

hahhaa actually xde motip langsung nieh..

duk pikiaq2 nak wat post pa..

pastu bru teringat tarikh harini yang cun melecun ;)


cantik kan?? :) guess there must've been quite a number 

of couple yg engaged and got married today..cayelaa ^__^

bajet ade org heran je..hahaha -gelak jeles-

ahh matta! ckp sal engage nieh, i just got one heartbreaking news!!

hahaa tipuuuu!! mne de heartbreaking..

-sikit kowt lol-

one vlogger that i admired the most, Maria Elena rupenye da engaged!!!


yup i know..

sy duk di Age Stone yang lampau2 ketinggalan punye laa..

ahakksss but i'm still up-to-date maa..

xde laa lmbat sgt pun kan..seminggu jekk..muhaha XD 

so, untuk para penduduk Age Stone seantero dunia yg join sme 

keter'lambatupdate'an like mehh...bole laa click bawah tu...

^__^ kalau nak tengok la kaan..

cantik and comeyl je dyorg tu kan ^__^ muahhahaa -gelak jeles..*again*

that's about all..for now..nanti ade idea, i'll update more^^chiawww earthlingss XD


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